Background/Foreground-removal tool powered with AI

Extract automagically objects from images!

Automatic background or foreground removal service. Start using our real-time RESTful API from RapidAPI Marketplace immediately!

Original Image Modified

Unleash the power of AI

Easy to use

From an input image given its public-accessible URL or being the image itself, ObjectCut returns the same image but without background or foreground.

Ready to be deployed by integrating RapidAPI's system.

> curl --request POST
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
  --header 'x-rapidapi-host: RAPIDAPI_HOST'
  --header 'x-rapidapi-key: TO_BE_FILLED'
  --data image_url=IMAGE_URL
  --data to_remove=background _

Power up you designing process

ObjectCut will fasten your design pipeline and improve working experience.


  • 50 images/month
  • 1 request per second
  • Individuals who just want the essentials to get started quickly
  • 300 images/month
  • 1 request per second
  • Professionals who require more volume for their application
Ultra 👑
  • 2000 images/month
  • 3 requests per second
  • Professionals who work on larger scale applications
  • 10000 images/month
  • 5 requests per second
  • Businesses who need high volume, production-level use

Contact Us

Message us if you have any question.